Yamaha Vmax Top Speed Unrestricted

Yamaha Vmax Top Speed Unrestricted

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  1. How long will it be before all motorbikes are governed to 137mph or below :(


  2. sorry but i honestly dont see the need for doing more than 140mph

    Lets be honest, 140 mph is more than enough for most UK tracks, and you deserve locking up if you want to do more than 140 on british roads.

    and this isnt uncommon for cars. There are loads of mercs etc.. that are electronically limited to 155 for this very reason. Granted its 155 and not 140, but whats 15mph ?

  3. What I hate about fast bikes on the road is......
    You come up to a junction on a country road, look left and right a few times, all clear, go... by the time you have your car straight and are changing from first to second you have a biker up along side you shouting through his helmet and waving his fist at you...
    Well matey, if you weren't doing double the speed limit I might have seen you coming.
    My mothers boyfriend is a weekend power ranger, and he's always coming home with stories about some **** that pulls out in front of him, but he never seems to understand that you cover a lot of ground sitting well over twice the speed limit, and that when they looked before pulling out he really wasn't in view.
    Was it the traffic cops program that was on this week that they had the most dangerous road in britain.. x amount killed over a period and i know these arent exactly what they said but say that 10% of the vehicles were bikes, and something like 70% of the accidents involved bikers...
    Ok people exceed the speed limit in cars too, but by perhaps 30-40mph at the most. I'd imagine that bikers will be more in the line of 80-100mph over the speed limit most times they are out on their R1's etc...
  4. It's not the case of wanting to do over 137mph..It's the problem of knowing it been Restricted to that speed...

    I Don't think many people would want to buy very fast cars (300hp+) if they knew they were Restricted to 137mph

  5. see post above

    The m5 can do over 200mph unrestricted (or there abouts)

    but its sold limited to 155. Doesnt seem to bother anybody.

  6. didn't know this :o

    Just looked a few cars up and seen that some BMW & Mercedes-Benz are both restricted to 155mph...

  7. I would have no problem with bikes restricted to 137mph. All bikes are restricted to 183mph at the moment anyway.
    As long as they don't try and take our power away like they tried in the early 90s with the 100bhp limit.
    It's easy to take the restrictors off if you need to.
  8. Only on some bikes....

    There still no way to remove the low gear power limiter on the first three gears of some yamaha bikes...(FZ1 & R1)

  9. I thought you could just buy a replacement ECU for the 06+ bikes that removes the soft rev limit in the first 3 gears.
    Must have read it wrong then.
  10. can you not use a TRE thats what ive got on mine it removes top speed limiter and the low gear stuff aswell ??
    or is that just suzuki's ?
  11. How many of the Vmax bikes sold will end up on a track? It's hardly an ideal track bike. The vast majority of these will be used on public roads where any more than 137mph is absolutely ridiculous.

    Those who are hardcore trackday'ers may want to remove it but how many of these people would buy such a bike to use on track in the first place?

  12. My car is limited to 155mph, it's really not an issue.
  13. The limitations are only a gentleman's agreement, in the case of the V-max I would suggest that the bike itself just simply isnt safe enough to ride at much over 140mph as its a gay cruiser and would probably brake your wrists trying to stop it weaving all over the road.
  14. lock me up then :p, i rekon at least once a month I exceed 150-160, not because I'm some criminal... but because it's just plain fun. if you think <140 is ok, then why not >140, you just can't put figures on safe speeds without taking into consideration variables such as conditions on the road and the type of machine you are driving / riding. i know my bike in the right road conditions is perfectly safe at >150 for me and other road users (ie other road users not there), no problem at all... so I use it at this speed sometimes.

    i always was led to believe luxo barges had 155 limiters because the car was just not built with speeds over that in mind.. brakes / suspension etc etc...and engine power has exceeded the budget the designers set aside for the rest of car.

    however most sports bikes these days are built to handle very high speeds in safety, though in this case any 'custom' style bike is not going to be easy to stop from very high speeds so I agree with yam here

    if she only makes 175bhp at wheel then thats abit disappointing tbh for such a heavy bike :(

  15. 186mph I think... but I've had it with crazy top speeds now prefer to gear down for better impressions of a missile. In 90s they slapped a 125bhp limit on, like the old FZR1000RU, you could remove restrictor with a stanley knife on the intakes :)

    I still don't think I'd like a bike with <175 top end though... it's just nice to have for when the mood takes you. (or a ferrari is on your tail ;) )

  16. The limit to 155mph has nothing to do with the cars specifications. I'm afraid you saying you want to do 160+ because it's fun is rediculously stupid.

    Speed limits and laws are there for a reason and just because you 'think' you're capable at driving at those speeds and consider it safe for you and other road users is quite simply bull ****.

  17. The 155 limit is to do with car specs im sure... hence more honed supercars dont have them... barges are not designed for crazy speeds, they just have powerful engines designed to float them along effortlessly, but without a limiter would exceed their chassis / braking capability.

    I don't care about the law... if the law is not 'there' at the time and I think it's safe I exceed limits, as do most people on these forums.

    >160 is fun, you should try it some time, live a little... it's not bragging rights on some interweb forum for me, it's just FUN fun fun fun (it takes no skill, anyone can do it, just twist and go)

    I know for a fact my boss exceeds 160 everyday on way to work in various fast cars... he loves it :) (though I do refuse to ride in car with him as im scared tbh)

  18. i rest my case.......:rolleyes:

    When you lose control at 160 which results in your losing the ability to use your legs.....then come back and tell everyone how fun it is.

    to say you don't care about the law and that 160+ is fun, takes no skill and anyone can do it......what a load of tosh.

    you're probably the sort that moan about cars knocking people off their bikes .... and wonder why it happens when you drive like a ****

  19. not fallen off for almost 13 years dude (and prolly at least 600,000 miles), and don't plan to....also don't whine about other fools on road as I read the road ahead and don't get to the point where I'm cut up / knocked off.

    I also get the benefit of getting where I'm going in half the time ;), and a whole heap of adrenaline kicks for free.

    Spend at least 2 hours a week on bike maint, so she's always in good shape for anything I do...

    edit: back on topic, I think yam are fine to put limiter on this particular bike, it's too heavy to be doing crazy speeds... guess it would never stop if you needed to.

  20. oh cool......sorry, i should have realised you're one of those immortals. All is when then.
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Yamaha Vmax Top Speed Unrestricted

Source: https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/threads/new-200bhp-yamaha-v-max-2009-governed-to-137mph-topspeed.17894017/

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